Thursday, December 30, 2010

El Blog Nuevo

I've decided to start this site to provide a better focus for my writing and observations concerning the great State Capital of Texas that so many people know and love. My Old Blog has been around for a long time, and was updated so infrequently, that it no longer reflects what I wish to write about. This new blog will be full of entries giving my (hopefully sometimes funny) take on Austin, the surrounding metro area (mainly San Marcos, I guess) and the Hill Country as well as a very Austin-centered take on Texas as a whole.

Topics will be groundbreaking for this area and will include (but are not limited to) things that have never been covered in an Austin blog before, such as:

  • The local music scene, venues and festivals
  • Transportation and urban planning issues
  • Young people 
  • Culture, whatever that means
  • Point-counterpoint arguments over the definition of "hipster"
  • Wondering where the old hippies have gone, 
  • Where to find the best breakfast tacos to be eaten for lunch
  • Leslie
  • Complaining about how Austin has "changed" and "used to be better", 
  • California transplants and their alleged money
  • Why Gary Bradley sucks
  • Blaming everything on Tom Delay
  • Noise complaint issues in Central Austin
  • Talking about how San Marcos is starting to resemble the way Austin used to be, but not in a way that encourages too many people to move there and turn it into the Austin of today
  • Desperate attempts to get people in Austin to notice my nearby alma mater, Texas State
  • Gentrification on the East Side
  • No mention of the fact that I spent most of my childhood in Belton
  • Complaining about people who complain about cyclists on public streets
  • Vague discussions of topics such as "new urbanism", "smart growth" and "sense of place" (whatever they mean)
  • Trying to think up new reasons to have more 5K runs and festivals (might ask Leslie for ideas the next time I see him* walking down my street).

Perhaps all of these conflicts and problems related to the aforementioned topics will be solved now that someone is finally mentioning them in a local blog. I am hopeful that people who know me and other people who just think I'm another self-important opinionated person with internet opinions will bookmark this page and check it hourly on their fancy smart phones**.

Have a good evening and keep Austin whatever,

- Jordan Stewart

*While determinations of his gender are, understandably, the subject of considerable debate, Leslie has made it known that he still wishes to be considered a man.

**If you have an iphone, I'll understand if AT&T makes it difficult to read this on a consistent basis


  1. I can't wait for "California transplants and their alleged money" and "Complaining about people who complain about cyclists on public streets."
    please keep this up.
